Have your say, with our Employer Networks
Do you want to develop your future workforce in partnership with Coleg Gwent? Connect with emerging talent to grow your business? Directly influence our curriculum? Then join our Employer Networks!
Our Employer Networks are made up of local, regional and national employers. The main aim is to build partnerships with local and national businesses, external stakeholders and associations in a number of ways.
As part of our close collaboration with businesses, we can best prepare our learners for work and we work together in helping you up-skilling your staff. We place employers at the heart of inspiring our students, whether it is by exciting them about their future careers or shaping our curriculum. By helping us do this, we can understand your needs and provide you with employees of the future and ensure Coleg Gwent is meeting the future skill demands and changing requirements of the Gwent economy.
If you’d like to get involved, simply contact our Employer Engagement Team: