

The Benefits of an Apprenticeship

9 February 2021

With National Apprenticeship Week (8th-14th February) upon us, we’re shining a light on apprentices and breaking down everything you need to know, whether you’re a potential learner or an employer wanting to know more.

Why consider doing an apprenticeship?

There are numerous benefits of taking an apprenticeship if you’re a young person looking for your next career move. So, why take an apprenticeship?

Earn while you learn

One of the biggest benefits of apprenticeships is that you’re able to earn an income at the same time as studying. There’s a minimum wage for all young people enrolled on apprenticeships. But how much you receive depends on your age and how long you’ve been doing your apprenticeship. Some employers may even choose to pay you more than the National Minimum Wage!

Gain nationally recognised qualifications

Not only will your course equip you with lots of new professional skills, but you’ll also come away with a nationally recognised qualification which can benefit you for the rest of your career. This will this strengthen your CV for your future career as well as opening up progression opportunities and the higher salaries that this attracts.

Progress within a business

With the new-found skills that you’ll develop through an apprenticeship, you’ll often find that new career opportunities present themselves to you after successful completion of your qualification. Companies will often take on apprentices in areas where they are experiencing a skills gap, meaning plenty of opportunity for you to progress onto more senior roles following completion of your course.

No cost to you

Another great benefit is that there’s absolutely no cost to you for completing an apprenticeship. Funding for your learning is provided by the government. So, you don’t need to be out of pocket in order to achieve your qualification.

Why take on an apprentice?

Apprenticeships are clearly a brilliant option for young people looking to upskill themselves and enter the world of work. But what about employers? The good news is there are a whole host of benefits to taking on an apprentice too!

Apprenticeships are for everyone

Apprentices can be taken on at a huge range of levels, from school leavers to those who want a career change later in life. You can hire someone new, or choose to upskill an existing employee, and there are no age restrictions to entry.

Expand and upskill your workforce

Apprenticeships provide a highly cost-effective form of training, because apprentices contribute to the workplace at the same time as learning and upskilling. Lots of apprentices’ learning is done through on-the-job experience, with college sessions to underpin and cement their knowledge.

You can train to meet the needs of your workforce

There is currently a skills gap affecting many organisations and companies across the UK. By recruiting and training apprentices, you can help your workforce to develop the specific skills that you need and futureproof your organization and plug any skills gaps you might have.

Does an apprenticeship sound like the solution you’ve been searching for? Discover more about becoming an apprentice or taking on an apprentice with Coleg Gwent this National Apprenticeships Week.